
  • MOON Capricorn SUN Capricorn

    Today, through the Balsamic phase, I have been preparing for this ending/beginning by cleansing & clearing. The intention for my workings this evening when the Moon turns New is to release unwanted habits, boost my resources & commit to a clear & solid path. My rite will include: cleansing my self & my magickal…

  • Dark Moon in Gemini: Meditating with Fear

    Dealing with the Spirit of Fear The following was my experience when working with how fear hangs out in & around my body. If it suits your sensibilities, it might be a nice thing to do with this Gemini Dark Moon. I set my space, as I was called to, & stood within it,…

  • Embodying the Aettir

    When I first met with the Runes I felt that something essential was missing, like the offering of information that I had at the time seemed an extremely diluted version of the well of information they contained (three wells actually). As a result, they were put aside until I could delve deeper… Yielding to…

  • MOON Gemini SUN Gemini

    I have been lucky enough to be inspired again by Michelle Duke & her magickal herb mixes to develop a Dark Moon Rite that will connect me more intimately with my Fae-self, harnessing the energy of Gemini to explore integration of opposing forces within myself & release me into a more natural & magickal…

  • MOON Scorpio SUN Taurus

    On the night of the Scorpio Full Moon prepare yourself for this ceremony by clearing & quietening your self & your surrounds. When you are as close to stillness as you can be without being asleep, you are ready. Create a sacred space & settle within it. Grind together herbs for an incense mix.…

  • The Festival of Light

    There is a brightness to the rays of Father Sun at this time, a warmth when He can break through the icy winds, a yearning from life towards His mighty pull. Today I saw the first Jasmine flower & the smell was a delicious promise of heady warm nights to come. Imbolc, Brigit, Oimealg,…

  • MOON Aquarius SUN Leo

    Full Moon meditation As the Sun will be moving into Leo at 1:57am AEST & the Moon into Aquarius at 4:08am AEST Tuesday the 28th, I will be performing this meditation at Moon rise tomorrow. Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit for the duration of this meditation. Light a candle, burn incense, create…

  • Full Moon in Virgo

    You will need: pen & paper, Moon offering (such as flowers or baked goods or menstrual blood) Find a quiet place where you can stand undisturbed under the light of the Full Moon. Stand with your bare feet on the Earth, your knees slightly bent, your tail bone tucked under, your spine straight, your fingertips…

  • Hedge Wytch Mentorship

    This mentorship program is for anyone who is connecting with themselves as a Spirit, anyone who is searching for something more than meets the eye in this vast & glorious world. You will be taken on a journey through the turn of one Wheel of the Year, a journey that will connect you to…

  • Hedge Wytch Mentorship

    I see them coming, these kindred spirits drift towards me through the mists of time & as they near I can hear their souls calling my name, the name that cannot be spoken. When I emerge from the shadow, allowing their eyes to find mine, an understanding is realised. This is the beginning… We…

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