MOON Capricorn SUN Capricorn


Today, through the Balsamic phase, I have been preparing for this ending/beginning by cleansing & clearing.

The intention for my workings this evening when the Moon turns New is to release unwanted habits, boost my resources & commit to a clear & solid path.

My rite will include:

  • cleansing my self & my magickal items,
  • a journey to visit with my Spirit Self in order to decipher what habits are needing to be broken,
  • a brainstorm of my skills & abilities & how I can utilise them to benefit my family/community/self,
  • a pathway tarot reading.

Once this is done & to encourage the realignment of my mind/body connection & support the settling in of my new path, I will spend the next few days conducting my physical actions in the opposite way. For example, brushing my teeth with the other hand, walking a different way to the shop, eating my breakfast for dinner & my dinner for breakfast, etc.

After a few days of this, perhaps when the Moon is waxing in Taurus, I will give myself another pathway reading & then, using quill & parchment, I will write a “To Do” list.

Happy Moontide folks!


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