
  • MOON Sagittarius SUN Gemini

    Something for your Full Moon, best performed Saturday evening or Sunday morning this weekend. You will need: a green stone your favourite incense a candle, preferably green but white is also good Holy Water or Florida Water or water from a natural source seeds that you can either eat or plant in your garden…

  • Embodying the Aettir

    When I first met with the Runes I felt that something essential was missing, like the offering of information that I had at the time seemed an extremely diluted version of the well of information they contained (three wells actually). As a result, they were put aside until I could delve deeper… Yielding to…

  • Long Nights

    I was recently instructed to take a Long Nights Sit for three consecutive nights as a way to pray for the return of a part of me that has been lost. No matter how much work I do to grow & change into the best that I can be, there is always more that…

  • MOON Capricorn SUN Cancer

    I have been feeling quite out of my body of late so am taking the opportunity of this Moon to sink deeper into my flesh & honour this Earth-bound temple that I call home. This is the process I will undertake this evening as the Moon rises… Create you sacred space in your own…

  • MOON Scorpio SUN Taurus

    On the night of the Scorpio Full Moon prepare yourself for this ceremony by clearing & quietening your self & your surrounds. When you are as close to stillness as you can be without being asleep, you are ready. Create a sacred space & settle within it. Grind together herbs for an incense mix.…

  • MOON Aquarius SUN Leo

    Full Moon meditation As the Sun will be moving into Leo at 1:57am AEST & the Moon into Aquarius at 4:08am AEST Tuesday the 28th, I will be performing this meditation at Moon rise tomorrow. Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit for the duration of this meditation. Light a candle, burn incense, create…

  • MOON Taurus SUN Taurus Solar Eclipse

    Begin by marking your circle space with a combination of ground salt & rosemary. Then stand in the center with your arms outstretched, palms facing up. In this pose welcome Earth, Air, Fire & Water, welcome your ancestors, welcome Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine, welcome all of Creation. If you wish it, feel free…

  • Full Moon in Virgo

    You will need: pen & paper, Moon offering (such as flowers or baked goods or menstrual blood) Find a quiet place where you can stand undisturbed under the light of the Full Moon. Stand with your bare feet on the Earth, your knees slightly bent, your tail bone tucked under, your spine straight, your fingertips…

  • Introducing Daily Reads…

    Introducing Daily Reads…

    I am happy to announce that I now offer daily reads! There is finally enough time in my day to share with those who are on their spiritual journey to healing & growth. If I could, I would do tarot readings all day because I feel open & available as soon as I start…

  • MOON Virgo SUN Pisces

    Having just finished my magickal workings for this Virgo Full Moon I sit now in reflection of the ebb & flow of life, seeing a strong connection to this fluctuating flow of all things & homeostasis. As a member of the Natural Therapies community I am continually looking at ways to make my Magickal & Muggle…

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