
  • MOON Libra SUN Libra

    Dark Moon in Libra Rite for honouring this time… Create your sacred space. Face East & light some incense. Stand in a pose that makes you feel strong & connected. Repeat the following until it resonates in your mind: “My mind & Divine are joined by a seam” Face South & place a crystal…

  • Imbolc 2017

    I woke this morning to a valley full of fog, listening to the eerie echo of the ravens croak through the thick, moist air. Even though the days are getting longer, there is a chill to the air that hints at distant snow-capped mountains & the vast expanse of the southern oceans. And it…

  • Embracing the Shadow to Release the Light

    For the last 3 years I have had the privilege of spending Yule with my Hedgeriding sistars on a beautiful property on Gadubanud country at Apollo Bay. This time is in honour of the deep, dark wisdom of Winter Solstice & perfect for sitting in circles to process life as we craft & cook…

  • Embodying the Aettir

    When I first met with the Runes I felt that something essential was missing, like the offering of information that I had at the time seemed an extremely diluted version of the well of information they contained (three wells actually). As a result, they were put aside until I could delve deeper… Yielding to…

  • MOON Scorpio SUN Taurus

    On the night of the Scorpio Full Moon prepare yourself for this ceremony by clearing & quietening your self & your surrounds. When you are as close to stillness as you can be without being asleep, you are ready. Create a sacred space & settle within it. Grind together herbs for an incense mix.…

  • MOON Gemini SUN Gemini

    DARK MOON MIRROR MAGICK You will need: pen & paper a mirror cloth & methylated spirits salt candle incense Set your sacred space & call your circle as you desire. Begin by writing on the paper a list of all the things about you that seem to contradict each other. For example, I am…

  • Introducing Daily Reads…

    Introducing Daily Reads…

    I am happy to announce that I now offer daily reads! There is finally enough time in my day to share with those who are on their spiritual journey to healing & growth. If I could, I would do tarot readings all day because I feel open & available as soon as I start…

  • MOON Virgo SUN Aquarius

    The Full Moon in Leo was a big time for many people that I have crossed paths with, & for myself it became a time to stand firmly in my Emotional Body & clear anything that was fogging it up. This clarity has been ground breaking. My Emotional Body is clear & crisp &…

  • Arachne’s Dark Moon- Gemini

    She came to me as I sat inside my Earth Star. She arose from the shadows, powerful in Her carriage, purposeful in Her stride. I stood to greet Her. I found that I could not meet Her eyes. Honestly, they frightened me a little… Deep green with many reflected surfaces… I felt raw &…

  • MOON Pisces SUN Gemini

    So many things are being pulled into my world, my vision, my consciousness. It feels like the various forms of processing our Earthwalk are being stripped of language & ownership, & being set free as a concentrated essence that is seeping through my skin! I feel the buzz as it enters my nervous system.…

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