
  • Dark Moon in Gemini: Meditating with Fear

    Dealing with the Spirit of Fear The following was my experience when working with how fear hangs out in & around my body. If it suits your sensibilities, it might be a nice thing to do with this Gemini Dark Moon. I set my space, as I was called to, & stood within it,…

  • MOON Gemini SUN Gemini

    I have been lucky enough to be inspired again by Michelle Duke & her magickal herb mixes to develop a Dark Moon Rite that will connect me more intimately with my Fae-self, harnessing the energy of Gemini to explore integration of opposing forces within myself & release me into a more natural & magickal…

  • MOON Gemini SUN Gemini

    DARK MOON MIRROR MAGICK You will need: pen & paper a mirror cloth & methylated spirits salt candle incense Set your sacred space & call your circle as you desire. Begin by writing on the paper a list of all the things about you that seem to contradict each other. For example, I am…

  • MOON Gemini SUN Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse

    This eclipse gate is an opportunity to gather valuable information & understand this information within the context of your life. We can do this by searching the deep dark places & facing the shadows with courage, bringing to them clarity & cutting through all the things that may be holding you back… Sound like…

  • Lunar Eclipse MOON Gemini SUN Sagittarius

    Please read through before you begin. TO BE DONE AT THE TIME OF THE ECLIPSE You will need- Rock Salt finely ground Frankincense finely ground Willow stick or Wand Black Candle Combine the Rock Salt & the Frankincense in a bowl & stir deosil (counter-clockwise if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) until combined.…

  • Arachne’s Dark Moon- Gemini

    She came to me as I sat inside my Earth Star. She arose from the shadows, powerful in Her carriage, purposeful in Her stride. I stood to greet Her. I found that I could not meet Her eyes. Honestly, they frightened me a little… Deep green with many reflected surfaces… I felt raw &…

  • MOON Sagittarius SUN Gemini

    I am preparing for my ritual this night, gazing out my window & watching the rain pool around my Magickal Herb garden. Having pleaded with the Cloud Beings for most of the afternoon, I have resigned to the fact that I will not be viewing the eclipse that is predicted to grace our skies this…

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