Samhain Incense blend

Aurora & I came up with this blend for our gathering this Samhain…












MOON Gemini SUN Pisces

There is something so gracious about the fabric of this place, this world & its many folds  & the delicate openings to other realms…

Today while I was walking I was swollen with gratitude for the peace & leisure which I can carry as I wonder around my inner city suburb. Quietly leading my littlest one as my Faekin from across the fabric leave me gifts & clues & flirts along my path, above me, inside of me. Ah, I am truly blessed!

My greatest messenger today was the Sulfur Crested Cockatoo, reminding me that I have the clarity & the vision to see my Way & all that I ever want is there for the taking if I can hold no fear in my heart. And so I set to work clearing the fear, forgiving myself & letting go.

Blessings on your journey.


Hedge Wytch Mentorship

This mentorship program is for anyone who is connecting with themselves as a Spirit, anyone who is searching for something more than meets the eye in this vast & glorious world. You will be taken on a journey through the turn of one Wheel of the Year, a journey that will connect you to your Spirit, your path & your environment in a deep & profound way. It will equip you to maintain your own spiritual practice & inspire you to delve deeper into your own magickal gifts & sacred skills.

Your mentor will be The Lady Le Faye, founder & high priestess at The Hedgewitchery. Known to friends & family as Alison, the Lady Le Faye has very strong connections to her ancestry. She is the Granddaughter of the now deceased Tribal Elder of the Karawara Islands, East New Britain Province PNG, & is the descendant of a long line of farming folk originating from Wales & England. She was raised to respect the laws of the land, the spirit of the Creator & the importance of holding ceremonial space. Alison began her training as a Hedgewitch 22 years ago at the age of 16 & has been under the guidance of her Shamanic mentor for the past 4 years. In her role as a High Priestess she provides community based rituals, this mentorship program & various spiritual teachings. Alison has had formal training in Reiki, Aromatherapy, Western Medical Herbalism, and Homeopathic First Aid & has a current First Aid Certificate. She is also a qualified Naturopathic Nutritionist.

During the course of this Year & A Day (one full turn of the Wheel of the Year) you will be connected with your broadest self, your various guides, guards & guardians, your personal internal world, your own ancestral ritual & magick, your innate magickal gifts & talents, & your sacred skills.

Beginning at April 30, you will be invited to attend Dark Moon & Full Moon circles, any Wheel of the Year Festivals & a minimum of 2 face to face or skype sessions with The Lady Le Faye (at a time that suits you both) every month. Upon completion of your Year & A Day journey, you will be initiated into Hedge Wytchcraft & ready to step out on your own & explore the magickal world that surrounds you.

There is a limited number of places for each intake so please register your interest as soon as possible via


Reset Ceremony Dark Moon in Sagittarius

For this Dark of the Moon I intend to reach parts of myself that seem to be hidden most of the time, the parts of me that are capable of making my dreams come true. This ceremony is my process that I share with you for your own use or reference. Blessings to you all as you journey into this Dark Moon…

You will need:

A small candle

A pen

A piece of paper

Sage or Gum leaves

A fireproof bowl

2 small jars


The process:

Light your candle. Sit & gaze upon it in search of your most important future dream. When you see it look deeply into it so that you know all the details clearly. Then close your eyes & see it again, deeply & clearly.

Stand facing each direction in turn, saying your prayers to the 4 quarters, the masculine & feminine, above, below & within.

Tear the piece of paper in half. On one half write down all things that you do not see in your future dream – items, people, personality traits, habits, identities. Take it to the West & say

I offer these things to the watery currents that they may pass with ease

Set the leaves into the fireproof bowl & tear up that piece of paper into small pieces, laying them on top if the leaves. Set them on fire & keep it burning until the paper is turned to ash (you may need to add more leaves). Place the ash into a jar with a few unburnt leaves on top.

Fold the other half of the paper in half. On one side, write all the things you already have that you see in your future dream. On the other side write all of the things you must acquire for your future dream. Take it to the East & say:

 I offer these things to the wisps of air that they may rise through me

Place more leaves into the fireproof bowl & light them. Hold the whole piece of paper over the flame until it catches & then set in on top of the burning leaves. When the paper & leaves are ash place this ash into a small jar.

Stand in the centre facing East, arms stretched out. Focus on your breath. Feel the West behind you pulling at all the things you have offered to the waters. Feel the pull of the light & shadow at your finger tips, widening your realm of possibilities. Feel the Earth below you, holding you to your path. Feel the Sky above you, keeping you focused on the journey ahead. Feel the East before you sending you the threads that will bring you all the things you have asked for. Feel your core, your centre, your inner depths & stay in this place for as long as you can.

Bring you hands together in prayer position & give thanks for the manifestation of your dream to each direction in turn, the 4 quarters, the masculine & feminine, above, below & within.

Allow the candle to burn down naturally. Place the excess wax in the jar with the ashes & leaves of the West. They must be mindfully disposed of into water, not the jar, just the contents.

The ashes of the East need to be scattered in the East of your home at the next sunrise you observe (preferably before Full Moon).

You are now reset so take the actions required & your dream will become manifest.


Hedge Wytch Mentorship

I see them coming, these kindred spirits drift towards me through the mists of time & as they near I can hear their souls calling my name, the name that cannot be spoken. When I emerge from the shadow, allowing their eyes to find mine, an understanding is realised. This is the beginning…

We can then dance through the Wheel of the Sun, of the seasons & the stories that connect us all. And we can then delve down deep through the Wheel of the Moon, of the tide & the rhythm that holds us all.

This kindred spirit, this radiant Soul will unfold in the course of our journey. Through ceremony & prayer we will walk to the place where truth & peace can be normal, where magick is in all things & where life is as easy as being.

This is the Hedge Wytch Mentorship.


Winter Solstice Incense Blend

On the Longest Night a blend of herbs was channeled & grounded up for burning during the Moonweavers Arcana Coven Solstice of Winter workshop. It was gentle & powerful. It was able to raise consciousness, deepen awareness, clear the energies & hold the space, all the while keeping us focused & tuned into the festivities of Yule.

Juniper berries

Frankincense resin

Bay leaf

Wormwood leaf


Dragon’s Blood

Myrrh resin


Orange essential oil

Amber resin

Please note that this blend is strong so keep a bit of distance from the smoke & have a small flow of air through the space.


Honouring Your Inner Venus (preparation for 2nd Venus Transit)


Journey to any place you desire.

Spend some time exploring this place.

Notice when you find something that makes your senses tingle.

Feel the tingles in your body.

Shoot them through you & into the body of Earth beneath you.

Create an altar containing the items that bring your senses to life.

Stand before that altar & say-

“My body is alive with the sensations of the world that surrounds me. I honour the place where Venus & I meet with a joyful heart & an open mind. I soften to be strong. I beautify to be love. Blessed Be!”


Tribes Woman of The Hedge Realm Part 2

This is a sacred time… Moving towards Dark Moon in Gemini, of which there are two this year… The Eclipse only hours away… The harvest is in & the cold winds are rising… The Fae Gate stands invitingly open every which way I turn… I love this time of year.

Memories abound of my life as a childhood Princess, called often Alison Maria Angel Chicken Plum Pek-pek Bramich by my Father. He placed us on 20 acres of farming land at the Northern end of The Great Dividing Range. Our land was always home to many animals, both domestic & wild. We grew our own food, or our neighbours did. The Land & the Animal Kingdom held us in a rhythm that has never truly left me. It was in this magickal place that Mother Earth began showing me things…

The communication between animals was the first discovery I remember, a discovery that felt more like a distant memory than something new. I would look deep into the eyes of the cows or the kangaroos or the dogs or the fish, whatever would hold still long enough to be able to commune with me. I would hold their gaze & think really hard about something then gauge their reaction. I surprised myself with the thoughts I would muster, not always in a good way. Never the less, the animals always reacted, in varying degrees. Dogs spoke back very clearly into my mind (I actually thought it was out loud but their mouths didn’t move- I was totally fascinated). Cows sent me feelings that reminded me of when my Mother gave me a hug. I even tried my Mind-Speak method with bugs!

It was an amazing time. I learned a lot about myself during this process. This was before I began school; I must have been 3-4 years old. I remember thinking about the way the animals reacted to me & wondering what that meant about me. Why did the cow make me feel that way even though we ate cow meat? How could the dog trust me so much? The Animal Kingdom was seeing me as something way more loveable, trustworthy &powerful than I thought could be. So, I tried to raise myself to the challenge! There was one time when we were out assisting with the birthing of a calf & the mother was having a lot of trouble. I thought of how the cows usually made me feel & so I put my hand on her flank & sent that feeling through my hand & into the cow. Her breathing changed & the noises began to subside. Before long the calf was born in a flood of fluid & legs. I will never forget that moment. Since then I have been very comfortable about using Mind-Speak with my cousins from the Animal Kingdom.

It was different with the birds. We had so many birds! My Father had aviaries filled with dozens of rare, probably illegal, Feathered Beings. I was a little older when I started trying to understand what they were always chattering about. I began with learning their calls, both the wild birds & the ones in the aviaries. I don’t know nearly as many any more, but there was a time when I had quite a store of bird calls in my memory bank. Then I started listening to the way they communicated between each other, both within a species & between differing species. Birds are quite the social creatures! They seemed to be always discussing where food was abundant, what predators were around, what the territorial balance was…So organised are the Feathered Beings!

When I was about 6 years old I saw a Silver Crow. I ran about telling everyone I knew but alas, no-one was excited, barley anyone believed me! It was after this that the Fae Gate opened for the first time to let me re-enter the Faery Realms. I was playing in The Creek, an amazing sculpture of white, orange, red & brown clay surrounded by scrub. The bubbling water spoke to me & announced that I was required to make preparations for the King & Queen of the Faery Realm were on their way. Well, you can imagine my excitement! I enlisted the girl from next door to assist with the building of little houses & boats & carriages & gardens & swimming pools & food & drinks for the special guests. We worked whenever we could get away from our chores & family obligations for months on end! The outcome was magnificent, of course, & when the Royalty arrived, we were proclaimed honorary members of the Royal Court & given the title of Princess until further notice. My Dreaming at this time was very much based in the Fae Realm & I spent hours exploring the wonders that lay beyond the Fae Gate.

When I began school, the play area I was drawn to was rows of Pine Trees, probably about 4 rows with 20 trees in each. The trees were magnificent, old, wise Standing People. I would make things out of the carpet of dried pine needles that lay at their feet & occasionally they would speak to me. I would feel the air quiver & that would be my invitation to put my ear against the trunk of nearest tree & listen. Often I would be standing there for quite some time before I was given any message. The main theme behind these messages was about local environmental issues or misuse of animals or abuse of children. I know, heavy right?!! But in my childish way, I did what I could. I told people how bad it was that trees were being cut down to make more houses & that there were already enough trees that had to leave this place because of all the farms. I told people how the Ingham Chicken Factory next to our school had too many chickens in the sheds & they had no feathers, which meant they were really sick. I also stopped telling on the naughty girl because I knew that her life at home was terrifying. Instead I became her friend so she could have sleep overs at my place & not have to be at home as much. She was really mean to me, but I was OK with that. Through all of this, my wise council of Standing People kept me strong & clear & sure about myself.

I was really blessed to be able to grow & learn among the creatures & beings of the Land for they compliment the teachings of the Father & the Mother & the Society. Being in a family with 4 kids, in a time when you could let your kids play on the street, in a place surrounded by friendly neighbours meant that I was often given the freedom to explore the other realms that exist among us without being held back or questioned or ridiculed. This means that these other realms became such a deep part of me, of my perception of this world. In the 30 years that have transpired since this time, I have always had access to these places because I was never told with enough force that they don’t exist.

This is the childhood that I asked to receive me & assist me to become the person that I am to be. Everything that I needed was there for me, in many forms with many messages to guide me along my true path.

Thank you for hearing my truth. There is more to come!



My introduction to Florida Water came through a wonderful journey by Silver Raven Wolf into the mysteries of Hedgewitchery1.  In this instance, it was used as a cleansing tool at the beginning of one of the rituals. Preparing the Florida Water for this ritual was amazing as the smells filled my kitchen & lifted the energy of all who walked through. (See below for one of her recipes)

A quick internet search revealed to me that Florida Water was formulated in America in 1808, consisting of lavender, clove & bergamot. It was said to be used for offerings & purification, particularly in spells used “to remove unwanted thought forms & heavy vibrations, to encourage the display of emotions, to suppress those who talk too much & to calm places where an excess of energy is present”2.

The name of this formula comes from the myth that there is a Fountain of Youth in Florida3, indicating that there may be rejuvenating properties associated with Florida Water as well.

Florida Water became a casual member of my witch kit, until I met Rebecca Ryan4. I discovered that she makes a wonderfully powerful version of Florida Water that I now use almost every day as part of my morning cleansing ritual. When I spray Florida Water to the directions, above, below & all around, it sings the melodies to honour Air, Water & Fire, creating a balance of these elements within me. When I asked Rebecca about her connection to Florida Water, this is what she said:

“Florida Water is a mix of ingredients such as cloves and lemon juice that is suspended in a clear liquid and then bottled. Florida Water can be a spritz or can be added to a bath like an oil or dabbed onto the body like perfume. I find it a very easy and very good smelling way to clear and focus and hold a steady intent. Florida Water is one of the staples of my metaphysical cabinet. Whenever I want to

1. Clear the energy in and around me or one of my clients,

2. Clear geographical spaces or large areas – houses, cars, offices, hospitals, etc

3. Dedicate special time to focus on specific duties or specific journeys (ie to find a solution to a question, to locate something lost along the way, to make or get a precious work for someone or myself)”

When I asked Rebecca about the energetic process she uses when creating her particular blend of Florida Water, she said:

“To take this versatile compound from just a mix of (delightful) ingredients into actual Florida Water requires breath – a turning process. This is the energetic intent and the blessing that mixes the substance and forms it as a specific carrier of Spirit. I like to breathe over each individual ingredient as I use it, often I say something like: you, cloves, in your original potency, carrying the best, cleanest, clearest and most accurate vibration, bring yourself into the mix now. I repeat that for each ingredient and then dedicate the whole mixture to the harmonizing, blessing and tender caring for every piece of water or light it will ever come into contact with (animate and inanimate, seen and unseen). After that I ask for a particular blessing from Spirit then leave my Florida Water to rest and bind.”

I highly recommend the use of Florida water as a clearing, purifying, harmonising substance in any ritual, sure to bring a new dynamic to your magickal work. Create your own using the recipe below (or any number available on the internet), or if you would like to try Rebecca Ryan’s own blend of Florida Water, just email her at for details on purchasing.

Sliver Raven Wolf’s Florida Water recipe:

You will need:

Spring water                  Orange slices                                Lemon slices

Lime slices                                      Fresh mint*                                      Fresh lemon balm*

Fresh rosemary*                            Fresh basil*                                      Fresh hyssop*

A heat-proof glass jar                             A glass jar with an airtight lid

(*alternative herbs may be used, check their significance & toxicity before adding)

Creation steps:

  1. Fill the heat-proof jar with hot water; tip it out when the jar is warmed
  2. Bring the spring water to the boil
  3. Place all other ingredients into the heat-proof jar
  4. Pour boiling spring water into the heat-proof jar to fill it
  5. Allow to cool
  6. Strain & pour into the other glass jar
  7. Seal & store in the refrigerator
  8. The energy of this potion will be strong for 3 days





  1. Raven Wolf, Silver, 2008, Hedge Witch : spells, crafts &rituals for natural magick, Llewellyn Publications, Minnesota USA.
  2. Yronwode, Cat,

MOON Virgo SUN Pisces

Having just finished my magickal workings for this Virgo Full Moon I sit now in reflection of the ebb & flow of life, seeing a strong connection to this fluctuating flow of all things & homeostasis. As a member of the Natural Therapies community I am continually looking at ways to make my Magickal & Muggle existences work holistically together, & I really see this concept of homeostasis as a key part of this connection.

Homeostasis is defined by Tortora & Derrickson in Principles of Anatomy & Physiology 11th ed., as ‘The condition in which the body’s internal environment remains relatively constant within physiological limits.’ This to me creates a system by which the body is limited with regards to its own ability to control internal processes. This seems to be a very orthodox medico idea, & one that I find reducing function to an action/reaction type model & doesn’t allow for miracles (magick).

Chambers 21st Century Dictionary states that homeostasis is the ‘tendency of an animal or organism to maintain a constant internal environment regardless of varying external conditions.’ This sets a better point of focus for me as it speaks of the stability & grounding that can be reflected via the hypothalamic homeostatic response of the body to its external world, something that I could certainly use in my healing practice as well as in my life.

Deepak Chopra, in his book Perfect Weight, says ‘Physiological balance is a function of intelligence.’ Now this idea of homeostasis is not only an action/reaction model, but opens the gateway for psychological control of managing the internal environment of the physical body. Deepak Chopra is such an empowering being…

All of these different ways of looking at homestasis creates within me this wonderful image of homestasis being much like a pendulum. The set point at which the pendulum can swing is the point of stasis that is desirable. If this set point can be consciously manipulated, as suggested by Deepak Chopra, then the body can be guided towards healing via the hypothalamus & using the body’s own resources to achieve optimal health. I like to call this Holistic Homeostasis.

So, back to my Magickal Muggle cross-road, I can use this information to create another dimension to the wheel of directions, celestial bodies, seasons, lunar aspects, elements, archetypes, deities, etc. When I stand at the centre point of all of these circles, cycles & polarities, I can see where the pendulum swings & I can guide the pendulum through different realms thus connecting  with any realm by whatever threads I see fit for healing work. Given this, if I can stand in the centre of a body (mine, yours, the Earth, a cockatoo, whatever the body) I am be able to induce homeostasis simply by connecting this body with whatever healing energy it needs coupled with the relevent natural therapy…. This is how I work as a holistic healer of the mind, the body, the spirit, the soul, the psyche.

In my language, I call this process Alignement.
