MOON Virgo SUN Pisces

Having just finished my magickal workings for this Virgo Full Moon I sit now in reflection of the ebb & flow of life, seeing a strong connection to this fluctuating flow of all things & homeostasis. As a member of the Natural Therapies community I am continually looking at ways to make my Magickal & Muggle existences work holistically together, & I really see this concept of homeostasis as a key part of this connection.

Homeostasis is defined by Tortora & Derrickson in Principles of Anatomy & Physiology 11th ed., as ‘The condition in which the body’s internal environment remains relatively constant within physiological limits.’ This to me creates a system by which the body is limited with regards to its own ability to control internal processes. This seems to be a very orthodox medico idea, & one that I find reducing function to an action/reaction type model & doesn’t allow for miracles (magick).

Chambers 21st Century Dictionary states that homeostasis is the ‘tendency of an animal or organism to maintain a constant internal environment regardless of varying external conditions.’ This sets a better point of focus for me as it speaks of the stability & grounding that can be reflected via the hypothalamic homeostatic response of the body to its external world, something that I could certainly use in my healing practice as well as in my life.

Deepak Chopra, in his book Perfect Weight, says ‘Physiological balance is a function of intelligence.’ Now this idea of homeostasis is not only an action/reaction model, but opens the gateway for psychological control of managing the internal environment of the physical body. Deepak Chopra is such an empowering being…

All of these different ways of looking at homestasis creates within me this wonderful image of homestasis being much like a pendulum. The set point at which the pendulum can swing is the point of stasis that is desirable. If this set point can be consciously manipulated, as suggested by Deepak Chopra, then the body can be guided towards healing via the hypothalamus & using the body’s own resources to achieve optimal health. I like to call this Holistic Homeostasis.

So, back to my Magickal Muggle cross-road, I can use this information to create another dimension to the wheel of directions, celestial bodies, seasons, lunar aspects, elements, archetypes, deities, etc. When I stand at the centre point of all of these circles, cycles & polarities, I can see where the pendulum swings & I can guide the pendulum through different realms thus connecting  with any realm by whatever threads I see fit for healing work. Given this, if I can stand in the centre of a body (mine, yours, the Earth, a cockatoo, whatever the body) I am be able to induce homeostasis simply by connecting this body with whatever healing energy it needs coupled with the relevent natural therapy…. This is how I work as a holistic healer of the mind, the body, the spirit, the soul, the psyche.

In my language, I call this process Alignement.
