Long Nights

I was recently instructed to take a Long Nights Sit for three consecutive nights as a way to pray for the return of a part of me that has been lost. No matter how much work I do to grow & change into the best that I can be, there is always more that can be done.

Sitting with the nights entirety is something that I do at Yule, occasionally it will spontaneously occur. The space between Sun down & Sun up is spectacular… It has its own rhythm & soul, so different to the rolling pace of the day time. Consciously embarking on a quest in this sacred shadow time is something that I highly recommend.

The drive for this was a calling to seek, an urgent need to reclaim an important part of me. This became the held space for my nights, keeping me alert to the messages coming through & the clues that I was asked to follow. I left myself opened & unbound to structure, which led me down many a wonderful path & set me before incredible people, enlightening rune & tarot readings, interesting midnight snacks & volumes of information to document.

My day times became dreamlike as I meandered through the mundane workings of my life, & I was surprised that I had no desire to catch up on sleep during the light hours. I would find myself excited as the Sun began his descent & eagerly wrap up the mundane world in anticipation of each night.

The hardest part about this process for me was the emotional settling at the end of the three nights. So much had been returned to me which meant that so much of me was falling away, & this was hard for my heart to manage. Thank the Gods for my shamanic mentor or I may be a messy puddle on the floor right now! But here I am, changed in the most exquisite of ways & eager beyond belief to see how this me embraces what will come.


Lunar Eclipse MOON Gemini SUN Sagittarius

Please read through before you begin.


You will need-

  • Rock Salt finely ground
  • Frankincense finely ground
  • Willow stick or Wand
  • Black Candle

Combine the Rock Salt & the Frankincense in a bowl & stir deosil (counter-clockwise if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) until combined. While you stir visualise a bright Silver light filling the bowl.

Using your dominant hand, take up this mix & create a triangle on the ground with a flat edge facing East. It must be large enough for you to stand in. Visualise a wall forming with each line that moves deep into the Earth & high into the Sky.

Take your Willow stick & Black Candle into the triangle. Stand for a moment & feel the firm walls around you. Place the Black Candle at the point on the Western side & light it as you send your honour & respect to the Fates.

Turn & place your Willow stick along the flat edge in the East. Stand straight & tall with you fingertips pulling down & the top of your head pulling up. Place your awareness in your spinal column. Let it ascend through your Crown & reach up to your blueprint, the you that existed before you came to this life. Draw it down into your being & let it coil around your spine. Again place your awareness into your spinal column. Let it descend through your tail bone & reach down into your shadow, the you that is potent with power. Draw it up into your being & let it coil around your spine. Stand for a moment, awareness in your spinal column, & feel the sensations that arise.

Take up the Willow stick & hold it in your dominant hand. Place your left hand on your heart. Direct into the Willow your hearts desire. It must be clear & simple. When you have done, use the Willow to draw a line from your feet through the Eastern edge & out of the triangle leaving an opening in its wake. As you do this send out your gratitude & honour to Father Sun & Grandmother Moon.

Step out of the triangle along the line made by the Willow, turn to face it, bow & say-


Sweep up the salt mix to be sprinkled at the Eastern side of your property.

Snuff out the candle & relight it in honour & respect of The Fates for a short time every night until it runs completely down. Bury the stub in the Eastern side of your property.
