full moon

  • Blessing Moon Reflection

    I woke with that feeling that I was being called to present my Best Self to the day, the morning of Thor’s days Blessing Moon. I lit the candle spells that were still active from the previous night’s workings, ate my Bircher, washed & put on my Best Self. This Best Self managed to…

  • MOON Aquarius SUN Leo

    Standing under the Moon this evening will be a time for me to acknowledge who I have become over the dark, cold, ponderous Winter. In doing this I hope to understand how I am able to access my individual qualities, explore ways of releasing the potency that has been building within me in the…

  • MOON Capricorn SUN Cancer

    You will need: pen & four pieces of paper a handful of salt or earth or stones items for an altar (see below for ideas) Stand in a powerful pose & call your best self into you. Consider where your ambitions are & feel these ambitions settle into your body. Create an altar space…

  • MOON Sagittarius SUN Gemini

    This spell is intended to open the self to a broader sense of possibility & initiate the expression of the goals you find there. You will need: a lit candle & some incense for your altar; an unlit blue, white or silver candle; a blue stone; a jar of Sacred Water; a pen; two…

  • MOON Sagittarius SUN Gemini

    Something for your Full Moon, best performed Saturday evening or Sunday morning this weekend. You will need: a green stone your favourite incense a candle, preferably green but white is also good Holy Water or Florida Water or water from a natural source seeds that you can either eat or plant in your garden…

  • MOON Capricorn SUN Cancer

    I have been feeling quite out of my body of late so am taking the opportunity of this Moon to sink deeper into my flesh & honour this Earth-bound temple that I call home. This is the process I will undertake this evening as the Moon rises… Create you sacred space in your own…

  • MOON Scorpio SUN Taurus

    On the night of the Scorpio Full Moon prepare yourself for this ceremony by clearing & quietening your self & your surrounds. When you are as close to stillness as you can be without being asleep, you are ready. Create a sacred space & settle within it. Grind together herbs for an incense mix.…

  • MOON Aquarius SUN Leo

    Full Moon meditation As the Sun will be moving into Leo at 1:57am AEST & the Moon into Aquarius at 4:08am AEST Tuesday the 28th, I will be performing this meditation at Moon rise tomorrow. Find a comfortable, quiet place to sit for the duration of this meditation. Light a candle, burn incense, create…

  • MOON Gemini SUN Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse

    This eclipse gate is an opportunity to gather valuable information & understand this information within the context of your life. We can do this by searching the deep dark places & facing the shadows with courage, bringing to them clarity & cutting through all the things that may be holding you back… Sound like…

  • Full Moon in Virgo

    You will need: pen & paper, Moon offering (such as flowers or baked goods or menstrual blood) Find a quiet place where you can stand undisturbed under the light of the Full Moon. Stand with your bare feet on the Earth, your knees slightly bent, your tail bone tucked under, your spine straight, your fingertips…

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