Something for your Full Moon, best performed Saturday evening or Sunday morning this weekend.
You will need:
- a green stone
- your favourite incense
- a candle, preferably green but white is also good
- Holy Water or Florida Water or water from a natural source
- seeds that you can either eat or plant in your garden
The ceremony:
- Create your circle in a way that suits you then ground & centre in the space.
- Light the candle & sit holding your seeds in your non-dominant hand. Close your eyes, pretend you are asleep & dream of what you would like to manifest in your life. Focus your dream thoughts down along your arm & into the seeds that you are holding. When you are done, place them beneath the candle.
- Light the incense & hold the green stone in your dominant hand. Close your eyes & send your awareness throughout your body checking for any imbalances that require your attention. These may be physiological, emotional, spiritual or psychological. Focus on these spots of imbalance then radiate the colour & solidity of your green stone to those exact areas, energising them for healing & restoration. When you are done, hold the stone over the incense & give thanks. I recommend carrying this stone with you, close to the skin, every day until you feel that you have dealt with or are dealing with these imbalances. For now, place the stone next to the incense.
- Stand in Warrior Pose (see image below or choose your own style of Warrior pose) facing North. Stare out towards that horizon, empower your pose & breath deep. While you hold this position, connect to the rich, nourishing energy that rises up to you from Earth. Draw it up through your feet & legs & trunk, considering your healing & dreams as it rises. Let it pool & build in your chest as you define the steps ahead that your healing & your dreams require of you. When have reached your peak, shoot the energy out to the Northern horizon. Step your legs together, facing North, & bow.
- Take the Holy Water, dip your finger into it & draw the Aegishjalmur (pictured above) on your chest. As it evaporates & cools your skin, feel the waters connecting you to the world of material things & calling to you all that you need for the healing that you require & all that you must cross paths with to see your dreams coming true. I recommend anointing this Bindrune daily until you begin to experience the changes you wish to see.
- Say the following 3×3 times-
Let me pray for peace, health, wealth, wisdom for all.
May all meet under the light of Grandmother Moon forever more.
Children of my children hear my prayer.
Blessed Be!
- Stamp your feet, shake your limbs & make some noise (I recommend a bell or singing bowl).
- Release & clear your circle in a way that suits you.
- Allow the candle to watch over the seeds until it has let itself go out (you may have to snuff it out & relight it again for safety reasons). When the candle is done, eat the seeds or set them aside for your next planting day.
- Gather the incense dust & toss some into the Winds.
- Carry the stone with you & each day cleanse it by sitting it in the Holy Water on an altar.

Blessings on your Full Moon Weavings!