MOON Capricorn SUN Cancer

Best Self Standing

You will need:

  • pen & four pieces of paper
  • a handful of salt or earth or stones
  • items for an altar (see below for ideas)

Stand in a powerful pose & call your best self into you. Consider where your ambitions are & feel these ambitions settle into your body.

Create an altar space that reflects these ambitions & walk around it three times deosil (anti-clockwise in the Southern hemisphere). Then sit by your altar & complete the following sentences, one on each piece of paper:

  1. I want… & to achieve this I am going to be responsible for…
  2. I feel… & to benefit from this I am going to be responsible for…
  3. I desire… & to fulfill this I am going to be responsible for…
  4. I know… & to utilise this I am going to be responsible for…

Stand facing South in a powerful pose, & in a strong & confident voice read the first sentence three times. When done, continue to stand in this way pondering what you have said for as long as you can. Write down any ideas or thoughts or sensations that come to you underneath where you wrote the first sentence. Place the paper on the ground here & put some salt/earth/stones on top. Give thanks with a deep bow.

Stand facing West in a powerful pose, & in a strong & confident voice read the second sentence three times. When done, continue to stand in this way pondering what you have said for as long as you can. Write down any ideas or thoughts or sensations that come to you underneath where you wrote the second sentence. Place the paper on the ground here & put some salt/earth/stones on top. Give thanks with a deep bow.

Stand facing North in a powerful pose, & in a strong & confident voice read the third sentence three times. When done, continue to stand in this way pondering what you have said for as long as you can. Write down any ideas or thoughts or sensations that come to you underneath where you wrote the third sentence. Place the paper on the ground here & put some salt/earth/stones on top. Give thanks with a deep bow.

Stand facing East in a powerful pose, & in a strong & confident voice read the fourth sentence three times. When done, continue to stand in this way pondering what you have said for as long as you can. Write down any ideas or thoughts or sensations that come to you underneath where you wrote the fourth sentence. Place the paper on the ground here & put some salt/earth/stones on top. Give thanks with a deep bow.

Sit at your altar space again & imagine that your ambitions are working for you & shaping your life. Let this fill you & roll it around your senses & your body & your mind & your heart & your spirit. Walk three times widdershins (clockwise in the Southern hemisphere) looking at the ground & seeing the path to your goals unfolding beneath your feet.

Leave the altar & paper piles where they are at least for the night. When you are ready, gather the salt/earth/stones & scatter them somewhere to the East of your space. Put the pieces of paper somewhere that you can see them & on a regular basis (eg. every morning on rising) stand in your power, repeat the sentences & reflect upon the other things you have written under it, adding bits or adjusting it if you feel the need to.

Happy Moontide!

Alison xxx

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