
  • MOON Scorpio SUN Taurus

    On the night of the Scorpio Full Moon prepare yourself for this ceremony by clearing & quietening your self & your surrounds. When you are as close to stillness as you can be without being asleep, you are ready. Create a sacred space & settle within it. Grind together herbs for an incense mix.…

  • Samhain Incense blend

    Aurora & I came up with this blend for our gathering this Samhain… Sage Wormwood Rose Rosemary Nutmeg Cinnamon Mugwort Bay Myrrh Patchouli )O(

  • MOON Pisces SUN Scorpio

    Tomorrow Father Sun begins travelling with Sagittarius, an exhilarating time in my family due to families coming together & children finishing school for the year & the warm weather encouraging much outdoor activity. I went for a Mountain drive with a dear friend yesterday & was reminded of the potency of Universal language flowing through…

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