
  • MOON Taurus SUN Taurus

    This Dark Moon rite is best done tonight, Friday the 6th of May. You will need- A candle A colourful array of gemstones Four bowls of salt Sheets of paper & a pen A tub of warm water that you can put your feet into Epsom salts (optional) As many things from the following…

  • MOON Capricorn SUN Cancer

    I have been feeling quite out of my body of late so am taking the opportunity of this Moon to sink deeper into my flesh & honour this Earth-bound temple that I call home. This is the process I will undertake this evening as the Moon rises… Create you sacred space in your own…

  • MOON Gemini SUN Gemini

    I have been lucky enough to be inspired again by Michelle Duke & her magickal herb mixes to develop a Dark Moon Rite that will connect me more intimately with my Fae-self, harnessing the energy of Gemini to explore integration of opposing forces within myself & release me into a more natural & magickal…

  • The Festival of Light

    There is a brightness to the rays of Father Sun at this time, a warmth when He can break through the icy winds, a yearning from life towards His mighty pull. Today I saw the first Jasmine flower & the smell was a delicious promise of heady warm nights to come. Imbolc, Brigit, Oimealg,…

  • YULE – The Winter Solstice

    The longest night will be on Friday the 21st of June… tomorrow. I will be sharing a lovely story-telling, dream-pillow-making, soup-eating, mulled-wine-drinking evening with some wonderfully magickal folks to celebrate this festival. I will also be stepping through 3 gateways during the course of the longest night to honour this time & encourage my…

  • MOON Taurus SUN Taurus Solar Eclipse

    Begin by marking your circle space with a combination of ground salt & rosemary. Then stand in the center with your arms outstretched, palms facing up. In this pose welcome Earth, Air, Fire & Water, welcome your ancestors, welcome Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine, welcome all of Creation. If you wish it, feel free…

  • Full Moon in Virgo

    You will need: pen & paper, Moon offering (such as flowers or baked goods or menstrual blood) Find a quiet place where you can stand undisturbed under the light of the Full Moon. Stand with your bare feet on the Earth, your knees slightly bent, your tail bone tucked under, your spine straight, your fingertips…

  • MOON Virgo SUN Aquarius

    The Full Moon in Leo was a big time for many people that I have crossed paths with, & for myself it became a time to stand firmly in my Emotional Body & clear anything that was fogging it up. This clarity has been ground breaking. My Emotional Body is clear & crisp &…

  • Lunar Eclipse MOON Gemini SUN Sagittarius

    Please read through before you begin. TO BE DONE AT THE TIME OF THE ECLIPSE You will need- Rock Salt finely ground Frankincense finely ground Willow stick or Wand Black Candle Combine the Rock Salt & the Frankincense in a bowl & stir deosil (counter-clockwise if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) until combined.…

  • MOON Pisces SUN Scorpio

    It has been quite some time since I have been able to write here; web gremlins have been playing games with my IT Fairy. It has been an interesting time, this journey from Ostara to Beltane. I have been birthing something new, something deep & something that will change my life forever… There is…

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