MOON Taurus SUN Taurus

Taurus Dark MoonThis Dark Moon rite is best done tonight, Friday the 6th of May.

You will need-

  • A candle
  • A colourful array of gemstones
  • Four bowls of salt
  • Sheets of paper & a pen
  • A tub of warm water that you can put your feet into
  • Epsom salts (optional)
  • As many things from the following list that you can muster- honey, cinnamon, orange, anise, damiana, lotus, myrrh, raspberry, yarrow, hibiscus, chamomile, milk

The rite-

Gather all of your components together in front of an altar, preferably one that honours your Ancestors. You will need a stool or chair or bed to sit on.

Place a bowl of salt at each of the four quarters of your home or room where you are working.

Put the candle on your altar & as you light it say-

This rite is intended to acknowledge my Ancestors & be open to their guidance, & to ground & empower my physical form as it steps surely & steadily towards my goals.

Face East, close your eyes & give thanks for all that comes from there. When you feel full of gratitude, bow. repeat this process to the North, then the West & finally the South.

Face the altar, stand tall & strong & tilt your head back.Close your eyes & give thanks for all that comes from Sky. Then kneel down & press your forehead to the ground & give thanks for all that comes from Earth.

Sit the tub of warm water near the stool or chair or bed where you can sit comfortably with your feet in it.Take the gemstones that are white, clear or light coloured & arrange them at the Eastern side of the tub. Take the gemstones that are orange, yellow or red & arrange them at the Northern side of the tub. Take the gemstones that are blue or green & arrange them at the Western side of the tub. Take the brown, black or dark gemstones & arrange them on the Southern side of the tub.

Add to the tub of warm water the Epsom salts (or any salt if you do not have this component) & all of the items from the list above that you have to work with.

Sit with paper & pen nearby & place your feet into the tub. Let your body relax, your eyes drift to the altar before you & allow the smells to engulf you.

Take five deep breaths & then say-

I acknowledge that I have been pushed from my comfort zone to help me become more empowered & authentic. For this I am grateful.

Imagine this… You have all the resources of the world at your disposal, what can you dream up to do with your life? When you have a good story going, write it down on the sheets of paper. This is your dream script.

Take your feet from the tub & sit for a while as they dry naturally.

Press your forehead onto the ground before your altar giving thanks to Earth. Stand & tilt your head back giving thanks to Sky. Bow to each quarter (beginning at South, then West, then North & then East) & give thanks.

Snuff out the candle but leave the tub & the stones where they are. Sleep with your dream script under your pillow.

On rising, read your dream script & then burn it over a bowl so that you can retain the ashes. Take the ashes to an outdoor location to the East of your home & place them in the ground. Then take the tub of water to an outdoor location to the West of your home & pour it over the ground.

Finally, take up your gemstones & place them onto the bowls of salt. These will need to remain until the next Full Moon (Sunday the 22nd of May AEST). At this time, bury your salt to the South of your home & place the gemstones under the Full Moon to the North of your home.


The Rite Writers- Alison Bramich, Jessie Giles, Aurora Bellarose, Michelle Duke & Minna Davidson

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