Dark Moon in Gemini: Meditating with Fear

Dealing with the Spirit of Fear

The following was my experience when working with how fear hangs out in & around my body. If it suits your sensibilities, it might be a nice thing to do with this Gemini Dark Moon.

I set my space, as I was called to, & stood within it, actively holding my body tall & strong.

I then sent my awareness to a space below my feet, if you can imagine about one quarter of the distance to the centre of Earth. Here there was a brilliant black light that revealed my fear of death & how it impacts my day to day life.

From there, my awareness drifted up to settle at my pelvic floor. Here there was a brilliant red light that revealed my fear of loss & how it impacts my day to day life.

Next I found myself about an inch behind my belly button. Here there was a brilliant orange light that revealed my fear of disconnection & how it impacts my day to day life.

My awareness then landed on my solar plexus, right at the tip of the sternum. Here there was a brilliant yellow light that revealed my fear of self & how it impacts on my day to day life.

Within the currents of the heart was where I found myself next. Here there was a brilliant green light that revealed my fear of healing & how it impacts my day today life.

Then I was in my throat, central enough to feel the pulse of the carotid arteries & the jugular veins. Here there was a brilliant blue light that revealed my fear of assimilation & how it impacts my day to day life.

Up to the brow next, the place of the third eye. Here there was a brilliant purple light that revealed my fear of change & how it impacts my day to day life.

Then my awareness reached the dome of my skull, the crown of my head. Here there was a brilliant golden light that revealed my fear of growth & how it impacts my day to day life.

Then I was reaching above my head, far into the void of space, many galaxies away. Here there was a brilliant white light that revealed my fear of power & how it impacts my day to day life.

Finally, I was entirely me & frantically writing in my journal the details of this marvelous dream.

Enjoy the Dark Moontide folks.

Alison xxx

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