
  • Cross Quarter Dreaming

    I woke on the floor in a small log cabin. There was a rough-spun blanket wrapped around me. The only sounds were distant bird calls & the gentle rush of leaves blowing in the wind. When I stood the blanket fell from me & I was met by the chill of the air &…

  • Samhain Incense blend

    Aurora & I came up with this blend for our gathering this Samhain… Sage Wormwood Rose Rosemary Nutmeg Cinnamon Mugwort Bay Myrrh Patchouli )O(

  • Samhain & the Meet the Wytches gathering

    Tonight we meet by my hearth to remember our ancestors, our beloved dead & our deepest most ancient selves. Under the watchful presence of Hekate & Cernunnos we will light the candles & burn the offerings to show our respect & reverence for the thinning of the veil & the longer reach of our…

  • Eclipse MOON Scorpio SUN Taurus

    Last night I dreamed that I was standing at the edge of cliff looking out to the deep dark body of Mother Ocean. As I stood there I was overwhelmed with love & sorrow & humble appreciation of this glorious life. I wept, oh how I sobbed & bawled, & my tears flowed directly…

  • Samhain Dreaming

    I stood at the gateway watching the veil become so thin that I could see shadows moving around behind it. There were two sentries, my usual Jackal-headed men, & they stepped aside when the time was right. I moved through the gateway, the veil felt like mist… The next thing I remember was becoming…

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