I woke on the floor in a small log cabin. There was a rough-spun blanket wrapped around me. The only sounds were distant bird calls & the gentle rush of leaves blowing in the wind. When I stood the blanket fell from me & I was met by the chill of the air &…
Aurora & I came up with this blend for our gathering this Samhain… Sage Wormwood Rose Rosemary Nutmeg Cinnamon Mugwort Bay Myrrh Patchouli )O(
Tonight we meet by my hearth to remember our ancestors, our beloved dead & our deepest most ancient selves. Under the watchful presence of Hekate & Cernunnos we will light the candles & burn the offerings to show our respect & reverence for the thinning of the veil & the longer reach of our…
Last night I dreamed that I was standing at the edge of cliff looking out to the deep dark body of Mother Ocean. As I stood there I was overwhelmed with love & sorrow & humble appreciation of this glorious life. I wept, oh how I sobbed & bawled, & my tears flowed directly…
I stood at the gateway watching the veil become so thin that I could see shadows moving around behind it. There were two sentries, my usual Jackal-headed men, & they stepped aside when the time was right. I moved through the gateway, the veil felt like mist… The next thing I remember was becoming…