dark moon

  • MOON Libra SUN Libra

    Dark Moon in Libra Rite for honouring this time… Create your sacred space. Face East & light some incense. Stand in a pose that makes you feel strong & connected. Repeat the following until it resonates in your mind: “My mind & Divine are joined by a seam” Face South & place a crystal…

  • MOON Aquarius SUN Aquarius

    Create your space. Face East & feel deeply into these words as you read them out loud or just in your mind: “I call to the Lovers of Minds & Learning. Bear witness as I become the Breath of Inspiration.” Face North & feel deeply into these words as you read them out loud…

  • MOON Capricorn SUN Capricorn

    Today, through the Balsamic phase, I have been preparing for this ending/beginning by cleansing & clearing. The intention for my workings this evening when the Moon turns New is to release unwanted habits, boost my resources & commit to a clear & solid path. My rite will include: cleansing my self & my magickal…

  • Dark Moon in Gemini: Meditating with Fear

    Dealing with the Spirit of Fear The following was my experience when working with how fear hangs out in & around my body. If it suits your sensibilities, it might be a nice thing to do with this Gemini Dark Moon. I set my space, as I was called to, & stood within it,…

  • MOON Taurus SUN Taurus

    This Dark Moon rite is best done tonight, Friday the 6th of May. You will need- A candle A colourful array of gemstones Four bowls of salt Sheets of paper & a pen A tub of warm water that you can put your feet into Epsom salts (optional) As many things from the following…

  • MOON Gemini SUN Gemini

    I have been lucky enough to be inspired again by Michelle Duke & her magickal herb mixes to develop a Dark Moon Rite that will connect me more intimately with my Fae-self, harnessing the energy of Gemini to explore integration of opposing forces within myself & release me into a more natural & magickal…

  • Cross Quarter Dreaming

    I woke on the floor in a small log cabin. There was a rough-spun blanket wrapped around me. The only sounds were distant bird calls & the gentle rush of leaves blowing in the wind. When I stood the blanket fell from me & I was met by the chill of the air &…

  • The Festival of Light

    There is a brightness to the rays of Father Sun at this time, a warmth when He can break through the icy winds, a yearning from life towards His mighty pull. Today I saw the first Jasmine flower & the smell was a delicious promise of heady warm nights to come. Imbolc, Brigit, Oimealg,…

  • MOON Cancer SUN Cancer

    DARK MOON RITE You will need a bowl of water (preferably rain or spring or sea or river or lake) chamomile flowers a wand salt (preferably rock or sea) a candle (preferably white or pink) incense (preferably myrrh) The Rite Prepare you body, mind, spirit, set your space (place all of the items mentioned…

  • MOON Gemini SUN Gemini

    DARK MOON MIRROR MAGICK You will need: pen & paper a mirror cloth & methylated spirits salt candle incense Set your sacred space & call your circle as you desire. Begin by writing on the paper a list of all the things about you that seem to contradict each other. For example, I am…

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