Bear Medicine

  • MOON Gemini SUN Pisces

    There is something so gracious about the fabric of this place, this world & its many folds  & the delicate openings to other realms… Today while I was walking I was swollen with gratitude for the peace & leisure which I can carry as I wonder around my inner city suburb. Quietly leading my…

  • MOON Virgo SUN Aquarius

    The Full Moon in Leo was a big time for many people that I have crossed paths with, & for myself it became a time to stand firmly in my Emotional Body & clear anything that was fogging it up. This clarity has been ground breaking. My Emotional Body is clear & crisp &…

  • MOON Pisces SUN Scorpio

    It has been quite some time since I have been able to write here; web gremlins have been playing games with my IT Fairy. It has been an interesting time, this journey from Ostara to Beltane. I have been birthing something new, something deep & something that will change my life forever… There is…

  • MOON Pisces SUN Gemini

    So many things are being pulled into my world, my vision, my consciousness. It feels like the various forms of processing our Earthwalk are being stripped of language & ownership, & being set free as a concentrated essence that is seeping through my skin! I feel the buzz as it enters my nervous system.…

  • Eclipse of Sun in Gemini

    This ritual will align you with the energies available during this eclipse (9:53am Monday 21st May 2012). I will be performing this spell at midnight on the 20th. Whatever time suits you is fine. This is a simple internal process that is intended to connect you with your Sacred Point of View & to…

  • Rebirth of Self- A Wombyn’s Visualisation

    Sit with your hands over your womb. Focus in on your breath. When you are only aware of the in breath and the out breath, reach into yourself & consider who you are, in this moment. Explore this idea without judgement, with only positive, unconditional regard. When you feel you are able to sit…

  • Sacred Balance

    Sacred Balance is a place where you can position yourself in order to find stillness & gain perspective. MEDITATION Imagine you are standing strong, tall & still in a void space. Find your centre point & allow every part of your body to be pulled towards this point. You do not need to physically…

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