Shadow Realm Smudge Smoke

Frankincense (resin) – 1 teaspoon

Dragon’s Blood (resin) – 1 teaspoon

Wormwood (dried herb) – 1 teaspoon

Mugwort (dried herb) – half a teaspoon

Myrrh (resin) – half a teaspoon

Vetiver (essential oil) – 5 drops

Place all ingredients in a mortar that is specifically for magickal purpose (not your kitchen one!!).

Grind 3 x 3 deosil (anti-clockwise/sunwise) then 3 x 3 withershins (clockwise/anti-sunwise).

Burn when preparing for deep journey work. Smudge from the top down.

Store remaining blend in an airtight glass container with a small piece of metal, such as a paper clip or a pin.

WARNING – this is specific for deep shadow work, meaning that if you use it without this intent, an unwanted altered state may arise & cause mischief.


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