Mabon Incense

This lovely blend was developed last Full Moon during a session with one of my students. She was put on the spot & asked to come up with an incense blend for Mabon without any warning & within a reasonable amount of time. Later, as it was burning, I was called so quickly to journey that I lay down & had a most amazing experience! Burn this blend when you wish to make haste through the veil & journey with whatever you are seeking clarity for…. Mabon blessings to you all.

Jianne’s Mabon Incense Blend – Cinnamon, Clove, Eyebright, Blue Cornflower, Damiana, Frankincense, Dalia, Geranium, Comfrey Root, Orris Root & Dragon’s Blood.


Lunar Eclipse MOON Gemini SUN Sagittarius

Please read through before you begin.


You will need-

  • Rock Salt finely ground
  • Frankincense finely ground
  • Willow stick or Wand
  • Black Candle

Combine the Rock Salt & the Frankincense in a bowl & stir deosil (counter-clockwise if you are in the Southern Hemisphere) until combined. While you stir visualise a bright Silver light filling the bowl.

Using your dominant hand, take up this mix & create a triangle on the ground with a flat edge facing East. It must be large enough for you to stand in. Visualise a wall forming with each line that moves deep into the Earth & high into the Sky.

Take your Willow stick & Black Candle into the triangle. Stand for a moment & feel the firm walls around you. Place the Black Candle at the point on the Western side & light it as you send your honour & respect to the Fates.

Turn & place your Willow stick along the flat edge in the East. Stand straight & tall with you fingertips pulling down & the top of your head pulling up. Place your awareness in your spinal column. Let it ascend through your Crown & reach up to your blueprint, the you that existed before you came to this life. Draw it down into your being & let it coil around your spine. Again place your awareness into your spinal column. Let it descend through your tail bone & reach down into your shadow, the you that is potent with power. Draw it up into your being & let it coil around your spine. Stand for a moment, awareness in your spinal column, & feel the sensations that arise.

Take up the Willow stick & hold it in your dominant hand. Place your left hand on your heart. Direct into the Willow your hearts desire. It must be clear & simple. When you have done, use the Willow to draw a line from your feet through the Eastern edge & out of the triangle leaving an opening in its wake. As you do this send out your gratitude & honour to Father Sun & Grandmother Moon.

Step out of the triangle along the line made by the Willow, turn to face it, bow & say-


Sweep up the salt mix to be sprinkled at the Eastern side of your property.

Snuff out the candle & relight it in honour & respect of The Fates for a short time every night until it runs completely down. Bury the stub in the Eastern side of your property.


Ostara Dreaming (perform on 23-09-12)

You will need:

Green Candle


Pot of Herbal Tea

 Frankincense Incense

Journal & Pen

Preparing yourself & the space:

 In a quite room create a small altar in the centre. Place the items listed above on the altar. Light the candle & sit quietly focussing in on the element of Fire. Then Light the incense & sit quietly focussing in on the element of Air. Hold the flowers & sit quietly focussing in on the element of Earth. Pour the tea & drink it quietly focussing in on the element of Water.


Begin in your Power Place, taking a moment to explore its state & making any necessary adjustments. When you are ready, call in one of your Spirit Guides from the Underworld. Create a gateway to access your Underworld, set your Guards in place & journey through with your Spirit Guide. Find a cave & sit within it until you become one with the stone. Reach within & draw out anything that you are ready to unknow (anything that occupies your consciousness that is no longer helpful), pushing it out of you through your skin; this may be in the form of tattoos or scales or blisters, just let it naturally form on your skin.

When you are done, take yourself deeper into the cave, where it is darker & colder & narrower. With mindful care & sacred thoughts begin to release your skin, slowly shedding it along with all of the things you are unknowing. When you are clear of this skin cover it with stones & say a prayer before leaving the cave.

Play about in your Underworld & learn how it feels to be free from the skin you shed. When you are ready, find the roots of an Ancient & Sacred tree. Sit within the roots & focus in on something that you are in the process of actualising, dreaming, hoping for. With the assistance of your Spirit Guide, place this thing into an egg & nestle it in a safe spot at the roots of the tree. Repeat this process as many times as you like. When you have finished, give thanks to the tree for nurturing & protecting your eggs as they prepare to hatch within its roots.

Before you leave, take a swim or a bath in a body of water. Upon leaving, give thanks to your Guards & your Spirit Guide.

Coming back to consciousness:

Take a moment to write your experience down & sip some more of your Herbal Tea. When you are ready, snuff out the candle & give your body a good stretch.


Winter Solstice Incense Blend

On the Longest Night a blend of herbs was channeled & grounded up for burning during the Moonweavers Arcana Coven Solstice of Winter workshop. It was gentle & powerful. It was able to raise consciousness, deepen awareness, clear the energies & hold the space, all the while keeping us focused & tuned into the festivities of Yule.

Juniper berries

Frankincense resin

Bay leaf

Wormwood leaf


Dragon’s Blood

Myrrh resin


Orange essential oil

Amber resin

Please note that this blend is strong so keep a bit of distance from the smoke & have a small flow of air through the space.


Shadow Realm Smudge Smoke

Frankincense (resin) – 1 teaspoon

Dragon’s Blood (resin) – 1 teaspoon

Wormwood (dried herb) – 1 teaspoon

Mugwort (dried herb) – half a teaspoon

Myrrh (resin) – half a teaspoon

Vetiver (essential oil) – 5 drops

Place all ingredients in a mortar that is specifically for magickal purpose (not your kitchen one!!).

Grind 3 x 3 deosil (anti-clockwise/sunwise) then 3 x 3 withershins (clockwise/anti-sunwise).

Burn when preparing for deep journey work. Smudge from the top down.

Store remaining blend in an airtight glass container with a small piece of metal, such as a paper clip or a pin.

WARNING – this is specific for deep shadow work, meaning that if you use it without this intent, an unwanted altered state may arise & cause mischief.
