MOON Aries SUN Capricorn

The horns abound today… Reaching high to chanel the intense Sky energy available at this time of year… Piercing the fabric to reveal the depth & wisdom contained within… Causing confusion… Enlightnement… Powerful action…

The dreaming that enters via the Gate of Horns will reveal truth in all of its glory, whether it be past or future, this realm or that. These dreams will not be ignored. The Gateway of the High PriestessĀ is opening.


16-12-2011 SUN Sagittarius MOON Virgo

I attended a beautiful ceremony this week for the funeral of a dear friends father. A family with such a variety of spiritual beliefs managed to prepare an eclectic ritual that was tasteful & sacred. I want to share the Celtic Blessing that I was asked to assist with because it was such a powerful thing to be a part of…

Deep peace of the running wave to you.

Deep peace of the flowing air to you.

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

Deep peace of the shining stars to you.

Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you.


May the road rise to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face.

May the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

May the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand.


10-12-2011 SUN Sagittarius MOON Gemini TOTAL LUNA ECLIPSE

As Uranus slows to a stop next to Aries, the point of initiation & action, I am building on the Magician’s energy that was created today at the Full Moon Tarot Meditation Circle. So, the fires are being lit & the magick will be woven this night around manifestation of healing, congruence, abundance, & mastery of skills. See you on the other side… )O(

09-12-2011 SUN Sagittarius MOON Gemini

This day has had me living in my own blood, so lucid is my sense of fire & passion. Father Sun has kept a close eye on all of my intentions. As night gently takes over, I feel a weight lift from my shoulders & allow the dreaming to begin… Calling in the wisdom of Salvia apaiana & the Mystery Void of my dreaming, Black Cockatoo. )O(

07-12-2011 SUN Sagittarius MOON Taurus

The witching hour is upon me… What working shall I do this night? There is a wave of energy beneath my feet which makes my centre move about in an exciting way. Plants are calling to be put in my piece of Earth, & so they have been – Rue, Pumpkin, Watermelon, Rocket, Basil, Tomato, Cucumber. The Rainbow Lorikeet flock has found some food in my piece of Sky, for which I am grateful for they are so lovely to seeĀ  in & out of my window frame. So, I will light a candle & I will call the Guardians in, for this night shall be in honour of beauty in Wildness. )O(