MOON Taurus SUN Taurus Solar Eclipse

Begin by marking your circle space with a combination of ground salt & rosemary. Then stand in the center with your arms outstretched, palms facing up. In this pose welcome Earth, Air, Fire & Water, welcome your ancestors, welcome Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine, welcome all of Creation. If you wish it, feel free to couple elements with directions here, to light a candle, incense, whatever feels right for you.

Sit in the center & enter your Power Place. From here take a journey to find all things that make you feel sensual & desirable & alive… Things that awaken all of your senses & insight reactions. Acknowledge what these things are, without judgement or analysis, & feel your physical body’s response as you gently come out of meditation.

Place your hands on the ground (this would be perfect to do out of doors) & take three deep breaths, each time you breath in, draw up energy from Mother Earth through your palms, & each time you breath out offer Her something in return.

Take a seed (it is to be swallowed so ensure it is small & not toxic, such as a sunflower or sesame or pumpkin seed) in your palm & whisper into it all the healing that you wish to offer to your body, for example green smoothies, regular sex, walking, more sleep, etc.. When you have filled the seed with your whisperings, swallow it using water.

Now think on your animal totem, guide, companion, teacher, & walk around in your circle as that animal, making the noises, displaying the personality. Note the impact this process has on your consciousness.

To finish, stamp your feet on Mother Earth, place you palms on the ground, ring a bell or clap hands & give thanks to Earth, Air, Fire & Water, to the lands spirits, your ancestors, to the Divine Masculine & the Divine Feminine, all of Creation.


Samhain & the Meet the Wytches gathering

Tonight we meet by my hearth to remember our ancestors, our beloved dead & our deepest most ancient selves. Under the watchful presence of Hekate & Cernunnos we will light the candles & burn the offerings to show our respect & reverence for the thinning of the veil & the longer reach of our prayers.

After our ceremony we will be breaking bread & toasting wine, meeting over friendly banter & divination for the future & heartfelt words for the past.

Whatever your plans for this turn of the Wheel, I wish you deep peace & love & happiness.

“I am tomorrows ancestor

The future of yesterday

And what I am in the here and now

goes rippling out all ways.

Goes rippling out always.”

-Brian Boothby


Eclipse MOON Scorpio SUN Taurus

Last night I dreamed that I was standing at the edge of cliff looking out to the deep dark body of Mother Ocean. As I stood there I was overwhelmed with love & sorrow & humble appreciation of this glorious life. I wept, oh how I sobbed & bawled, & my tears flowed directly from me to Mother Ocean, rivers of tears. I awoke feeling an emptiness that was so sweet.

On the edges of this dream I will be celebrating this eclipse. At Dark Moon I collected a small vial full of my tears, which I will be adding to some water to charge under the Celestial Beings this night, with a piece of Jade to hold it all together.

The beginning of this week saw me re-uniting with the Futhark, so my meditations this evening will be centered around Fehu & the creation story of the Nordic folk. I will drum & burn offerings of sage & frankincense. I will light a candle to Freyja & offer to Her my  Moontide blood.

As this Luna eclipse will be the first of three, I will be working with them as set to triangulate the emergence of my most potent self. At 4am tomorrow (Friday 26th AEDT) my ritual will begin with meditation of deep peace & quiet, followed by a slow, grounding yoga session. After making my space ready, the rite must start with a journey to Fae where I have a magickal space for preparing myself for such occasions. Then to my depths for gathering in of my most beloved parts where I can keep them secret, keep them safe. After returning to the circle I will begin my work, involving mirror magick to repel what aims to invade & force its way into my realm, & sacrifice of the parts of me or my world that are ready to go, that are no longer useful, that are pure burden. Finally I will fortify my workings with offerings & thanks & a journey to be with my center & in my power.

This is the place that will launch me into Samhain, the wytches new year, & my rebirth.

Blessings on your magicks this night & always.


Introducing Daily Reads…

I am happy to announce that I now offer daily reads! There is finally enough time in my day to share with those who are on their spiritual journey to healing & growth. If I could, I would do tarot readings all day because I feel open & available as soon as I start to shuffle, which is uplifting & deliciously invigorating. After working with a number of clients in doing these distance readings, I am very confident in my ability to receive & express the answers that they seek.

The Daily Reads involve you asking a question which is answered for you via a tarot reading summarised & sent to you email address the following day. You may require this service for a week, a month, or even a year, & if you are stuck for a question, there is always something waiting for you in the other realms so you won’t be disappointed.

Email before the end of February for details of a special introductory offer,

Access more information here.


Hedge Wytch Mentorship

I see them coming, these kindred spirits drift towards me through the mists of time & as they near I can hear their souls calling my name, the name that cannot be spoken. When I emerge from the shadow, allowing their eyes to find mine, an understanding is realised. This is the beginning…

We can then dance through the Wheel of the Sun, of the seasons & the stories that connect us all. And we can then delve down deep through the Wheel of the Moon, of the tide & the rhythm that holds us all.

This kindred spirit, this radiant Soul will unfold in the course of our journey. Through ceremony & prayer we will walk to the place where truth & peace can be normal, where magick is in all things & where life is as easy as being.

This is the Hedge Wytch Mentorship.



I celebrated the mid-point between Ostara & Litha yesterday – Beltane. A vision came to me, much like the image shown below, & I knew it was portraying an emotion, a sensation, a gift that was embedded in each & every creature on this wonderful Earth. We are created in the coming together of opposing forces that struggle with each other in a passionate frenzy in order to yield & accept each other wholly & deeply. I am shown this vision to ensure that in all things that I do, this is the energy that I hold within. That if there is peace within me then peace is the gift I have to give those that would receive it. Reality is created within, in the choice to either oppose & fight or yield in peace & accept this peace deep into my heart. To struggle is to go against the flow of Nature & do dishonour the Creator of us all.


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 Pcture via

Arachne’s Dark Moon- Gemini

She came to me as I sat inside my Earth Star. She arose from the shadows, powerful in Her carriage, purposeful in Her stride. I stood to greet Her. I found that I could not meet Her eyes. Honestly, they frightened me a little… Deep green with many reflected surfaces… I felt raw & exposed. So I bowed my head, held my hands in prayer over my heart & waited for Her to speak.

“To look upon you is to see the woven web of my creation. Do you see the treasure hidden in the weaving? Do you understand the beauty of the pattern? Come, give me your hand & I will show you…”

I held out my hand & She took it. Suddenly I was looking at myself. Standing before me with head bowed & hands in prayer position above the heart, was a shadow of myself embedded in an amazing display of light! It took me a while to understand the pattern, but when I did, it was indeed a beautiful thing to behold. It spoke to me of how my past has danced with my future, how my present never exists, how all of me can move in all directions at all points in time to all spaces that ever exist.

Then I saw the movement, the flow & the colours of the lights. It was alive with activity, full of colours I have no point of reference for describing! There seemed to be a pulse, a rhythm to this movement, which I studied long & hard. Until it came to me, the ancient Song of my Soul. The words & melody that remind me of who I always am, what I always do & how I do it. The treasure had emerged from the weaving… And then She released me & spoke to me once more.

“Child, you are now responsible for this piece of wisdom. You must decide how to weave it into your surface world. Treat it with care for it may become a gift or a curse. Weave Well Woman Child.”

Then She was moving back into the shadows, singing my Soul Song as She went. I sent out a prayer of thanks Her way & returned to my Earth Star meditation.

Delving into Arachne’s shadow brought rise to mystery, which led to fear, overcome by wisdom & accepted as a gift… for I will weave well the treasures of my spirit.

Blessings on you all this Dark Moon night.


MOON Sagittarius SUN Gemini

I am preparing for my ritual this night, gazing out my window & watching the rain pool around my Magickal Herb garden. Having pleaded with the Cloud Beings for most of the afternoon, I have resigned to the fact that I will not be viewing the eclipse that is predicted to grace our skies this evening. So, I redirect my Water Blessing ritual, which seems to be supported by the amount of Water falling from Father Sky. Instead of having the reflected light of Grandmother Moon I will be gathering rain Water that has reached the earthing phase of its ancient cycle. I will ask this Water to grant me the wisdom of its memories & the reflection of its past & especially its ability to transform and yield and soften so that it may journey to many amazing and sacred places. I give thanks to the Cloud Beings for showing me the way to gather & hold the energy of Water and for transforming my ritual to align with the space & time in which I find myself this Full Moon night.


Samhain Dreaming

I stood at the gateway watching the veil become so thin that I could see shadows moving around behind it. There were two sentries, my usual Jackal-headed men, & they stepped aside when the time was right. I moved through the gateway, the veil felt like mist…

The next thing I remember was becoming aware that my entire being was tiny particles, scattered on a horizontal plane about 20 meters from the Earth below. My consciousness was removed, looking down from above – a bit like the sensation of astral projection. My particles had a soft green glow. Another set of particles on the same plane moved over mine. They had a deep red glow. I knew who it was: we had been connecting for some time. She began sinking & blending with my particles, & as I watched, some of me fell to the ground, as did some of her. When this transformation was complete, my consciousness met my newly Blended particles & my form began to return.

I was moving along a path & as I went I realised that it was in fact my family tree. I could see clearly the placement of all the family that I knew & even the places of the ones that I did not know. I stood in my place on this tree & began the search for my Spirit Tribe connection. When I saw it, it was a bright tunnel of light that moved through me & went forever above & forever below. I allowed my Spirit form to separate from my body & flew in both directions wrapping this tunnel of light with colourful ribbons, making strong my connection with my Spirit family & ancestors. This done, I sat, in my body again, & allowed my Spirit Tribe to moved through & communicate what I needed to hear. I am so grateful for this process & have been gifted with some very powerful tools to support the flow of love through my life.

When I cam back to me, I was sitting around a fire with my Mothers Mother, Pilili. She has been in my Dreaming often & has shared many mysteries & treasures with me over the past few moons… She was brewing a potion over the fire & telling me about the process. I could feel all of my beloved dead gathered around, just beyond the light cast by the fires flames. My beautiful familiar, Iimaja, was purring at my feet… She & Granny were the only dead that I was able to see & communicate with, & I am thrilled that I was able to connect with them both. There was also another aspect of me sitting opposite me by the fire, but she did not say anything, just stared into the flames.

Leaving this space was difficult. I feel so at home on the other side of the veil… But leave I did & with a sack full of love & wisdom & stories & spells over my shoulder.


MOON Leo SUN Aquarius

In my personal journey, the lessons of The Lady yield to the teachings of The Lord. This means that I now have to take the physical aspect of the dreaming & the energy previously conjured, & imbue it with purpose. The lessons of The Lord will give definition to all that is moving through me now.

With Venus moving into Aries this afternoon I will be tapping into my inner Amazon Warrior to help achieve the courage needed for the road that lays ahead. Her presence will add much-needed strength to my Corn Moon ritual this evening…

As the first harvest has passed by, I look to the approaching equinox & realise that the time is now to set things upon a sturdy foundation with a clear view. This means weaving together the amazing amount of energy created during the Summer months & planting them deep in the womb of Mother Earth, all the while singing the songs of love & growth & nurturing.

Once this is done, I know that though I may be swept along with the force of all that is imaginable, I will have an anchor that feeds my Spirit the wisdom & ancestral power of my Soul.
