Scorpion Eclipse Ritual

Shield of Power

To be performed at the time of the eclipse (9:10am AEDT, Wednesday November 13 2012)

You will need 5 candles (preferably 1 white, 1 green, 1 black, 1 pink or purple & 1 orange or yellow; alternatively 5 white candles will suffice) & a scribing tool (preferably your athame)

Gather your items & sit in a quiet room. Focus on your breath. Visualise yourself sitting on a mountain top. You are surrounded by your guides & allies. Look at each of them, see them & know them. Ask all gathered to assist you in finding your protective symbol for this ritual. When you have found it, thank them all & return your awareness to the room. Take your athame in both hands & feel it filled with Spirit. Use it to scribe your protective symbol on each of your candles.

In the Centre of the room light the green candle & say -I am connected to Nature, to all things existing within the Universe.

In the East of your room light the purple or pink candle (if its white you will need to visualise pink or purple light emanating from this candle) & say – I open the gate to creativity, imagination & unconditional love.

In the North of your room light the orange or yellow candle (if its white you will need to visualise orange or yellow light emanating from this candle) & say – I have the strength to transform myself from Victim to Saviour.

In the West of your room light the white candle & say – I repel the snakes & seducers, the toxins & poisons.

In the South of your room light the black candle (if its white you will need to visualise black light emanating from this candle) & say – I surrender to the Fates.

Stand in the Centre & breath in the green light, feel it fill your body & your Aura space.

Stand at the East & breath in the orange/yellow light, feel it fill your body & your Aura space.

Stand at the North & breath in the purple/pink light, feel it fill your body & your Aura space.

Stand at the West & breath in the white light, feel it fill your body & your Aura space.

Stand at the South & breath in the black light, feel it fill your body & your Aura space.

Back in the Centre, stand with your eyes closed & visualise your shield, know what it blocks & what it will let pass through. Hold the image of it in your mind’s eye & commit it to memory & say – I have met the terrain that lays before me & I embrace the blessings that are upon it. I give thanks for this Shield of Power that will see me through in safety & peace. It is done! It always works! Always a blessing!

Snuff out the candles in the order in which they were lit (DO NOT BLOW THEM OUT). They can be used in this same way to enhance your Shield of Power at any time.
