I thought I would share with you the process I presented at Full Moon circle on Saturday… Consider your physical self & make a list of the toxins that need to be removed & the method of detox necessary to do it. Repeat this process for your mental self, your emotional self & your spiritual self.…
My feet have finally hit the ground again after such a high over the weekend with Full Moon Tarot Meditation Circle on Saturday & Imbolc- a celebration of the awakening light workshop on Sunday… As I sit by my fire contemplating ancient language & symbolism, I realise that holding regular Full Moon & Dark…
She came to me as I sat inside my Earth Star. She arose from the shadows, powerful in Her carriage, purposeful in Her stride. I stood to greet Her. I found that I could not meet Her eyes. Honestly, they frightened me a little… Deep green with many reflected surfaces… I felt raw &…
Sit with your hands over your womb. Focus in on your breath. When you are only aware of the in breath and the out breath, reach into yourself & consider who you are, in this moment. Explore this idea without judgement, with only positive, unconditional regard. When you feel you are able to sit…
I stood at the gateway watching the veil become so thin that I could see shadows moving around behind it. There were two sentries, my usual Jackal-headed men, & they stepped aside when the time was right. I moved through the gateway, the veil felt like mist… The next thing I remember was becoming…
Sacred Balance is a place where you can position yourself in order to find stillness & gain perspective. MEDITATION Imagine you are standing strong, tall & still in a void space. Find your centre point & allow every part of your body to be pulled towards this point. You do not need to physically…