MOON Taurus SUN Scorpio

I thought I would share with you the process I presented at Full Moon circle on Saturday…

Consider your physical self & make a list of the toxins that need to be removed & the method of detox necessary to do it. Repeat this process for your mental self, your emotional self & your spiritual self. Choose the most important one from each list & rewrite the detox process as an affirmative action.

For example:

TOXIN- wheat DETOX- remove from diet ACTION- Do not eat wheat.

TOXIN- image of self DETOX- re-invent identity ACTION- Assert new identity & compliment self every morning.

TOXIN- wavering faith DETOX- explore new spiritual pathways ACTION- Perform a prayer or ritual at least once every week.

Once you have your Action list, commit it to memory.

Now, find a peaceful space to journey…

You are on a pilgrimage to find the World Tree. It may take moments or hours, or weeks, or years. You may journey through many manifestations of time & space. You will know the Tree when you see it for it will call you & it will radiate… glow.

Place your palms on the Tree & rest your forehead upon it sending love & gratitude through your Third Eye. Then sit with your back to the Tree, your base reaching down to connect with the roots & your crown reaching up to connect with the branches.

A being comes by &, without speaking or any effort or discomfort, hangs you from the Tree, then departs. You are suspended here for 3X3, minutes or hours or days or weeks or years or life times, whatever is required to remove you from the old & propel you into the new. When this is accomplished, whatever holds you to the Tree loosens & you fall lightly to the ground.

There you find a knife & using it you carve the Action list into the trunk of the Tree. Then you use the knife to cut open your palm on your dominant hand & use the blood that issues forth to smear the words.

Give thanks to the Tree & journey home…


MOON Pisces SUN Scorpio

It has been quite some time since I have been able to write here; web gremlins have been playing games with my IT Fairy. It has been an interesting time, this journey from Ostara to Beltane. I have been birthing something new, something deep & something that will change my life forever…

There is a part of me that was uninterred at Dark Moon in Leo. I was in the loving sacred circle of my Shamanic mentor & we took a great leap into the Underlands. I feel so safe & comfortable traveling in my mentors held space.

The parts of me that linger under the surface were gathered around a grave, her grave whose name I cannot yet share. Together we dug deep & pulled her from her earthly cocoon & ran with her in our arms to the ocean’s shore. Wading in with her submerged, she was taken swiftly by the Mere People, my Ancestors. They returned her later, alive, cleansed & fire in her eyes.

She is here now, always, influencing all that I do & how I do it. Now I am she & she is me. Together we are reshaping the world.


Ostara Dreaming (perform on 23-09-12)

You will need:

Green Candle


Pot of Herbal Tea

 Frankincense Incense

Journal & Pen

Preparing yourself & the space:

 In a quite room create a small altar in the centre. Place the items listed above on the altar. Light the candle & sit quietly focussing in on the element of Fire. Then Light the incense & sit quietly focussing in on the element of Air. Hold the flowers & sit quietly focussing in on the element of Earth. Pour the tea & drink it quietly focussing in on the element of Water.


Begin in your Power Place, taking a moment to explore its state & making any necessary adjustments. When you are ready, call in one of your Spirit Guides from the Underworld. Create a gateway to access your Underworld, set your Guards in place & journey through with your Spirit Guide. Find a cave & sit within it until you become one with the stone. Reach within & draw out anything that you are ready to unknow (anything that occupies your consciousness that is no longer helpful), pushing it out of you through your skin; this may be in the form of tattoos or scales or blisters, just let it naturally form on your skin.

When you are done, take yourself deeper into the cave, where it is darker & colder & narrower. With mindful care & sacred thoughts begin to release your skin, slowly shedding it along with all of the things you are unknowing. When you are clear of this skin cover it with stones & say a prayer before leaving the cave.

Play about in your Underworld & learn how it feels to be free from the skin you shed. When you are ready, find the roots of an Ancient & Sacred tree. Sit within the roots & focus in on something that you are in the process of actualising, dreaming, hoping for. With the assistance of your Spirit Guide, place this thing into an egg & nestle it in a safe spot at the roots of the tree. Repeat this process as many times as you like. When you have finished, give thanks to the tree for nurturing & protecting your eggs as they prepare to hatch within its roots.

Before you leave, take a swim or a bath in a body of water. Upon leaving, give thanks to your Guards & your Spirit Guide.

Coming back to consciousness:

Take a moment to write your experience down & sip some more of your Herbal Tea. When you are ready, snuff out the candle & give your body a good stretch.


MOON Aries SUN Leo

My feet have finally hit the ground again after such a high over the weekend with Full Moon Tarot Meditation Circle on Saturday & Imbolc- a celebration of the awakening light workshop on Sunday…

As I sit by my fire contemplating ancient language & symbolism, I realise that holding regular Full Moon & Dark Moon Esbats as well as workshops for the Sabats, I have settled into a rhythm that holds me in a lovely place. I know that what I choose to do in the “actual” world will have an echo within as well as to my past & present selves. These regular circles & practices are setting me on a mighty course indeed!

So, I give thanks for my life & my love as I continue to be guided by my ancestors, the Fae & my own intuitive voice, dancing the Wheel again & again…


Winter Solstice Incense Blend

On the Longest Night a blend of herbs was channeled & grounded up for burning during the Moonweavers Arcana Coven Solstice of Winter workshop. It was gentle & powerful. It was able to raise consciousness, deepen awareness, clear the energies & hold the space, all the while keeping us focused & tuned into the festivities of Yule.

Juniper berries

Frankincense resin

Bay leaf

Wormwood leaf


Dragon’s Blood

Myrrh resin


Orange essential oil

Amber resin

Please note that this blend is strong so keep a bit of distance from the smoke & have a small flow of air through the space.


Arachne’s Dark Moon- Gemini

She came to me as I sat inside my Earth Star. She arose from the shadows, powerful in Her carriage, purposeful in Her stride. I stood to greet Her. I found that I could not meet Her eyes. Honestly, they frightened me a little… Deep green with many reflected surfaces… I felt raw & exposed. So I bowed my head, held my hands in prayer over my heart & waited for Her to speak.

“To look upon you is to see the woven web of my creation. Do you see the treasure hidden in the weaving? Do you understand the beauty of the pattern? Come, give me your hand & I will show you…”

I held out my hand & She took it. Suddenly I was looking at myself. Standing before me with head bowed & hands in prayer position above the heart, was a shadow of myself embedded in an amazing display of light! It took me a while to understand the pattern, but when I did, it was indeed a beautiful thing to behold. It spoke to me of how my past has danced with my future, how my present never exists, how all of me can move in all directions at all points in time to all spaces that ever exist.

Then I saw the movement, the flow & the colours of the lights. It was alive with activity, full of colours I have no point of reference for describing! There seemed to be a pulse, a rhythm to this movement, which I studied long & hard. Until it came to me, the ancient Song of my Soul. The words & melody that remind me of who I always am, what I always do & how I do it. The treasure had emerged from the weaving… And then She released me & spoke to me once more.

“Child, you are now responsible for this piece of wisdom. You must decide how to weave it into your surface world. Treat it with care for it may become a gift or a curse. Weave Well Woman Child.”

Then She was moving back into the shadows, singing my Soul Song as She went. I sent out a prayer of thanks Her way & returned to my Earth Star meditation.

Delving into Arachne’s shadow brought rise to mystery, which led to fear, overcome by wisdom & accepted as a gift… for I will weave well the treasures of my spirit.

Blessings on you all this Dark Moon night.


MOON Pisces SUN Gemini

So many things are being pulled into my world, my vision, my consciousness. It feels like the various forms of processing our Earthwalk are being stripped of language & ownership, & being set free as a concentrated essence that is seeping through my skin! I feel the buzz as it enters my nervous system. It fills me. I want to explode. And then I do, usually through my heart first, a bursting of warmth that throws me back as it rips me open. Then I feel my feet become magnetised to the Earth so that I am left swaying in the atmosphere like a plant growing in a running stream. My head fills with blood & begins to pulse sending my Dreams & desires out into the Universe. My fingers tingle. My ears block out all external sounds & I begin to hear singing. I will always be left with a song or a melody from these moments. When this passes I feel elated, uplifted, regenerated, like every day of my life should be celebrated! From when I open my eyes to see all that has been created, to when I drift off to Dream knowing my life is what I made it.


Honouring Your Inner Venus (preparation for 2nd Venus Transit)


Journey to any place you desire.

Spend some time exploring this place.

Notice when you find something that makes your senses tingle.

Feel the tingles in your body.

Shoot them through you & into the body of Earth beneath you.

Create an altar containing the items that bring your senses to life.

Stand before that altar & say-

“My body is alive with the sensations of the world that surrounds me. I honour the place where Venus & I meet with a joyful heart & an open mind. I soften to be strong. I beautify to be love. Blessed Be!”


Tribes Woman of The Hedge Realm Part 2

This is a sacred time… Moving towards Dark Moon in Gemini, of which there are two this year… The Eclipse only hours away… The harvest is in & the cold winds are rising… The Fae Gate stands invitingly open every which way I turn… I love this time of year.

Memories abound of my life as a childhood Princess, called often Alison Maria Angel Chicken Plum Pek-pek Bramich by my Father. He placed us on 20 acres of farming land at the Northern end of The Great Dividing Range. Our land was always home to many animals, both domestic & wild. We grew our own food, or our neighbours did. The Land & the Animal Kingdom held us in a rhythm that has never truly left me. It was in this magickal place that Mother Earth began showing me things…

The communication between animals was the first discovery I remember, a discovery that felt more like a distant memory than something new. I would look deep into the eyes of the cows or the kangaroos or the dogs or the fish, whatever would hold still long enough to be able to commune with me. I would hold their gaze & think really hard about something then gauge their reaction. I surprised myself with the thoughts I would muster, not always in a good way. Never the less, the animals always reacted, in varying degrees. Dogs spoke back very clearly into my mind (I actually thought it was out loud but their mouths didn’t move- I was totally fascinated). Cows sent me feelings that reminded me of when my Mother gave me a hug. I even tried my Mind-Speak method with bugs!

It was an amazing time. I learned a lot about myself during this process. This was before I began school; I must have been 3-4 years old. I remember thinking about the way the animals reacted to me & wondering what that meant about me. Why did the cow make me feel that way even though we ate cow meat? How could the dog trust me so much? The Animal Kingdom was seeing me as something way more loveable, trustworthy &powerful than I thought could be. So, I tried to raise myself to the challenge! There was one time when we were out assisting with the birthing of a calf & the mother was having a lot of trouble. I thought of how the cows usually made me feel & so I put my hand on her flank & sent that feeling through my hand & into the cow. Her breathing changed & the noises began to subside. Before long the calf was born in a flood of fluid & legs. I will never forget that moment. Since then I have been very comfortable about using Mind-Speak with my cousins from the Animal Kingdom.

It was different with the birds. We had so many birds! My Father had aviaries filled with dozens of rare, probably illegal, Feathered Beings. I was a little older when I started trying to understand what they were always chattering about. I began with learning their calls, both the wild birds & the ones in the aviaries. I don’t know nearly as many any more, but there was a time when I had quite a store of bird calls in my memory bank. Then I started listening to the way they communicated between each other, both within a species & between differing species. Birds are quite the social creatures! They seemed to be always discussing where food was abundant, what predators were around, what the territorial balance was…So organised are the Feathered Beings!

When I was about 6 years old I saw a Silver Crow. I ran about telling everyone I knew but alas, no-one was excited, barley anyone believed me! It was after this that the Fae Gate opened for the first time to let me re-enter the Faery Realms. I was playing in The Creek, an amazing sculpture of white, orange, red & brown clay surrounded by scrub. The bubbling water spoke to me & announced that I was required to make preparations for the King & Queen of the Faery Realm were on their way. Well, you can imagine my excitement! I enlisted the girl from next door to assist with the building of little houses & boats & carriages & gardens & swimming pools & food & drinks for the special guests. We worked whenever we could get away from our chores & family obligations for months on end! The outcome was magnificent, of course, & when the Royalty arrived, we were proclaimed honorary members of the Royal Court & given the title of Princess until further notice. My Dreaming at this time was very much based in the Fae Realm & I spent hours exploring the wonders that lay beyond the Fae Gate.

When I began school, the play area I was drawn to was rows of Pine Trees, probably about 4 rows with 20 trees in each. The trees were magnificent, old, wise Standing People. I would make things out of the carpet of dried pine needles that lay at their feet & occasionally they would speak to me. I would feel the air quiver & that would be my invitation to put my ear against the trunk of nearest tree & listen. Often I would be standing there for quite some time before I was given any message. The main theme behind these messages was about local environmental issues or misuse of animals or abuse of children. I know, heavy right?!! But in my childish way, I did what I could. I told people how bad it was that trees were being cut down to make more houses & that there were already enough trees that had to leave this place because of all the farms. I told people how the Ingham Chicken Factory next to our school had too many chickens in the sheds & they had no feathers, which meant they were really sick. I also stopped telling on the naughty girl because I knew that her life at home was terrifying. Instead I became her friend so she could have sleep overs at my place & not have to be at home as much. She was really mean to me, but I was OK with that. Through all of this, my wise council of Standing People kept me strong & clear & sure about myself.

I was really blessed to be able to grow & learn among the creatures & beings of the Land for they compliment the teachings of the Father & the Mother & the Society. Being in a family with 4 kids, in a time when you could let your kids play on the street, in a place surrounded by friendly neighbours meant that I was often given the freedom to explore the other realms that exist among us without being held back or questioned or ridiculed. This means that these other realms became such a deep part of me, of my perception of this world. In the 30 years that have transpired since this time, I have always had access to these places because I was never told with enough force that they don’t exist.

This is the childhood that I asked to receive me & assist me to become the person that I am to be. Everything that I needed was there for me, in many forms with many messages to guide me along my true path.

Thank you for hearing my truth. There is more to come!


Rebirth of Self- A Wombyn’s Visualisation

Sit with your hands over your womb. Focus in on your breath. When you are only aware of the in breath and the out breath, reach into yourself & consider who you are, in this moment. Explore this idea without judgement, with only positive, unconditional regard.

When you feel you are able to sit with who you are, focus in on your hands, feel them grow warmer & feel this warmth reach your womb. In your mind, take who you are & add or remove anything that you feel you need to in order to move forward with confidence & strength & good intentions. Hold this new image of you in your minds eye. Allow it to move down your arms, through your hands & into your womb. Visualise this new self-creation taking seed & growing within your womb. Feed her with love & sweet promises of a wonderful life.

When you & your new self are ready, allow yourself to birth her. She will be born and held in your arms. The warmth of your hands will hold her close to your heart. Your hearts will beat as one. Your breath will flow as one. You will become one.

Feel yourself becoming your newly birthed self. Feel it like you would if you were putting on a new pair of jeans. Stretch & wiggle. Check out how you look now in the mirror. Explore how the new you thinks, is it different? Is it the same?

If you are content with this change, stand before a mirror & say,

‘I am me and we are thee and it is so, so mote it be.’

If you are not content, allow her to be freed & accept that who you are now is who you must be, for now.
