
  • Hedgewitchery Mentorship Program

    The Hedgewitchery Mentorship program is open for 2018 enrolment! This Mentorship program is for anyone who is connecting with themselves as a Spirit, anyone who is searching for something more than meets the eye in this vast & glorious world. You will be taken on a journey through a turn of one Wheel of…

  • Hedgewitchery Mentorship Program

    Greetings! The Hedgewitchery Mentorship program is open for enrolment! This Mentorship program is for anyone who is connecting with themselves as a Spirit, anyone who is searching for something more than meets the eye in this vast & glorious world. You will be taken on a journey through the turn of one Wheel of…

  • MOON Capricorn SUN Capricorn

    Today, through the Balsamic phase, I have been preparing for this ending/beginning by cleansing & clearing. The intention for my workings this evening when the Moon turns New is to release unwanted habits, boost my resources & commit to a clear & solid path. My rite will include: cleansing my self & my magickal…

  • MOON Sagittarius SUN Gemini

    This moontide is inspiring me to create a Follow My Bliss potion so this will be the central aspect of my Full Moon Rite. Thanks to Michelle Duke once again for you herb & essential oil contributions. I will perform this rite as the Moon rises full in Sagittarius on Friday the 13th of…

  • Mabon Incense

    This lovely blend was developed last Full Moon during a session with one of my students. She was put on the spot & asked to come up with an incense blend for Mabon without any warning & within a reasonable amount of time. Later, as it was burning, I was called so quickly to…

  • The Witchy Blog Award

    This was passed to me via http://bookofeucalypt.wordpress.com/ & I am supporting the writing of the Word Smiths from our Magickal community by passing it along. The words & art that follow are not mine except for the answers the 7 questions & the 5 nominated blogs (please scoll to the bottom for links to these wonderful writers). Seven Questions:…

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