MOON Leo SUN Aquarius

In my personal journey, the lessons of The Lady yield to the teachings of The Lord. This means that I now have to take the physical aspect of the dreaming & the energy previously conjured, & imbue it with purpose. The lessons of The Lord will give definition to all that is moving through me now.

With Venus moving into Aries this afternoon I will be tapping into my inner Amazon Warrior to help achieve the courage needed for the road that lays ahead. Her presence will add much-needed strength to my Corn Moon ritual this evening…

As the first harvest has passed by, I look to the approaching equinox & realise that the time is now to set things upon a sturdy foundation with a clear view. This means weaving together the amazing amount of energy created during the Summer months & planting them deep in the womb of Mother Earth, all the while singing the songs of love & growth & nurturing.

Once this is done, I know that though I may be swept along with the force of all that is imaginable, I will have an anchor that feeds my Spirit the wisdom & ancestral power of my Soul.


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