MOON Pisces SUN Scorpio

Tomorrow Father Sun begins travelling with Sagittarius, an exhilarating time in my family due to families coming together & children finishing school for the year & the warm weather encouraging much outdoor activity.

I went for a Mountain drive with a dear friend yesterday & was reminded of the potency of Universal language flowing through ALL of Creation. My messengers in the Eastern Mountains were Raven, Sulfur-Crested Cockatoo, Kookaburra, White-tailed Black Cockatoo, Rosella & Willy Wagtail as well as Mint, Oak, Patchouli & Fern Tree. Much to ponder today…

In preparing for the Litha Picnic on the evening of the 21st I will be drawing on these allies for guidance & support. This festival always holds me to the story of the Fae king & queen coming together. Solstice is a wonderful time to take a good look at both horizons without one dominating the other. It is within this balance that clarity & purpose can be harnessed & set into action for the next cycle.
